Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Journey Begins

We left Brisbane at lunch time on Saturday, feeling surprisingly organised - given that we started packing at 10:30 the night before! Thanks to Brad and Mel who formed the official farewell party. Had a great flight on Cathay to Hong Kong, and managed to get a couple of hours sleep at HK airport in the 'sleeping lounge' area. Left HK at about midnight local time for an 11 hour flight to Moscow with Aeroflot. Slept quite well on that flight, then changed planes in Moscow and headed to London. Couldn't believe the amount of frost on the ground as we flew in (about 9am local time). It certainly looked cold out there!

Aeroflot flight to London - still looking refreshed after 30hrs!

After checking in to our accommodation we made our way to Camden Lock and market. Quite chilly - thank goodness for warm coats!

Watching the working lock - Camden

We spent the afternoon having a lovely walk on Hampstead Heath - a wonderful thing to do on a Sunday afternoon. Lots of people out enjoying the sunshine, walking dogs, etc - very relaxing. There was still some frost on the ground - in parts not reached by the sun. Even the duck ponds were mostly frozen over!

Louise on ice..a frosty Hampstead Heath

Popped in to the Spaniards Inn for some refreshments. This is a beautiful old pub beside Hampstead Heath where it is thought Dick Turpin may have been born in 1705. The mulled wine went down well!

The Spaniards Inn

Enjoyed a lovely dinner at Covent Garden before heading home for a much needed early night. Lots to do tomorrow!


Azza&Kiki said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time already. When did you get glasses dad? Got some good news for you as well, i just got hired as the 2ic Editor for ABK Publications in NSW (about 30mins from home). Editing all the articles before they get published as well as my own down the track. Finally Monash has paid off. Ill keep you updated. Keep safe. Kirsten and Aaron.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys, great to see you arrived safely and mangaed to get some rest.
Phil your glasses look great!.
Keep warm and enjoy

Phil and Louise said...

Hi Kirsten. Thanks for checking the blog. Hope you're enjoying it. Got my glasses the day before we left so I could read maps!! Well done on getting your job.

Junice said...

Hello Louise and Phil
Great photos and stories, you are welcome to the cold white stuff! Will you be able to access this when you come home - it would be terrible to lose it all! Happy Hogmanay - "lang may yer lum reek" as they say North of the border