Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A couple of days in London


Up early and out for a big day in London. Walked in the direction of St Paul's Cathedral via the priory church of St Bartholomew the Great - a beautiful church founded in 1123 which managed to survive both the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the Blitz.

St Bartholomew the Great church

Enjoyed coffee in the crypt of St Paul's and then walked across the Millennium Bridge (completed in 2000 as a footbridge across the Thames) to the Tate Modern. Spent a few lovely hours enjoying the work of artists such as Kandinsky, Picasso, Klimt and Lichtenstein.

View of St Paul's Cathedral and the Millennium Bridge from the Tate Modern

This photo is for you Judy (Louise's mum) - Carter Lane YH where you stayed when you were in London . . .

Today's refreshments were enjoyed at the Viaduct Tavern - a lovely old pub opposite the Old Bailey and the site of the Newgate Prison. From there we headed for Oxford St for some shopping, before making our way to the Bank district to meet our friend Tim after work. The three of us enjoyed a meal and then a great play in the West End - 'No Man's Land' which stars David Walliams of 'Little Britain' fame.


Donned the comfy shoes for a 'walking day' in London. Enjoyed the sights of Fleet Street and The Strand, including St Bride's Church (the steeple of which, designed by Wren, is said to have inspired the design of the tiered wedding cake), Temple Church, Inns of Court and Twinings Tea House.

St Bride's Church showing the tiered steeple - like a wedding cake!!

Explored Covent Garden before a quick visit to the National Gallery to pay our respects to Constable, Turner, Gainsborough and Monet to name a few. Wandered through Trafalgar Square and then down Whitehall, past Number 10 and on to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

Louise at Horse Guards, Whitehall

At Trafalgar Square - notice Big Ben coming out of Phil's head!!

Marvelled at the magnitude of Westminster Abbey then explored the lanes of Victoria before heading to Westminster Cathedral, a beautiful Byzantine styled building tucked away behind busy streets. Took the lift to the top of the Cathedral tower to take in a beautiful view across London - Phil's fingers just about froze off getting some photos - note to self to get gloves that you can actually leave on while taking photos!

Westminster Cathedral

View from the top!

Getting dark by this stage (about 4pm!!), so we made our way to Harrods to enjoy the wonderful light display on the outside of the store and the spectacular Christmas lights around Kensington and Knightsbridge. Jumped on a double decker bus for some great sightseeing and more Christmas lights back towards our accommodation via Park Lane, Mayfair, Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street and Oxford Street.

During the day we also went to Kings Cross railway station - so we really did the Monopoly board today!

Finished the day with a lovely meal at the Rising Sun pub in Cloth Fair which was once the trading district for French and Flemish cloth merchants and London drapers.


Unknown said...

Great Photos!
Am exhausted just reading about what you have done.. I think there is a school next door to Westminister Cathedral where I did a short contract when I lived there..

Phil and Louise said...

Hi Mel.Thanks for checking the blog! Hope you're enjoying it. Did see a school beside the Cathedral - looked lovely.

Unknown said...

Hey guys - so great to see you are covering so much fun. Looks awfully bloody cold though!! It's awesome being on the other side of the blog.... so envious.... Keep having a blast - look forward to future posts...
Ben and Brad

megs said...

Hey you two....awesome photos and great commentary thus far! It looks so cold over there.....but fun! take care and check in soon x

RB said...

seems like you have been up to an incredible amount of sight seeing! I am exceptionally jealous! also it seems with the new glasses there is a new nerd in the family to pick on instead... just maybe. keep the photos coming ...

Phil and Louise said...

Hi Everyone! Thanks for your comments thus far. Sorry we haven't posted anything for a couple of days. Stay tuned - more on the way very soon!!