Thursday, December 4, 2008

Farewell everybody!!

WOW! Just 24hrs to go and we will be on our way.

It has been a hectic couple of days visiting friends and family before we leave. Sorry but I have promised to publish a couple of farewell photos!

Phil headed down to the Gold Coast to see Phil's mum (Dorothy) and brother (Peter) yesterday with his boys - Ryan (the tall one) and Kyle (the gowing taller everyday one).

Dorothy has promised to visit the internet for the first time in 84yrs, yeah well I know it hasn't been around that long but mum has!

Phil with his mum saying goodbye - and promising not to go to India!!

Ryan and Kyle with their Nan Barrett - notice the very noice Jeep Brett!

Finished off the day with a farewell dinner with the boys - Ryan (far left) and Kyle at the Himalayan Cafe (noice too!).

My arm is just long enough - squeeze in everyone!!


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

RB said...

looks like fun. wish i could have been there. Hope you two are having a fantastic trip and surviving. Ryan